Students completing the program of International Business and Management at VNUK are expected to fulfill the following output standards:
Apply learned concepts, theories, principles and processes in economics, management and business in practical environment
Analyze the impact of macro and micro environmental factors on the strategy and operations of the organization
Solve administration and business problems
Obtain the needed skills to work in the global labor market effectively and professionally
Develop innovative thinking and entrepreneurship
Capable of self-control, become resposible for self and society
Graduation requirements
Graduates majoring in International Business and Management are expected to meet the following requirements:
Accumulate sufficient knowledge of the training program;
Fully complete the Political Education and Physical Education modules as prescribed;
Earn a certificate of National Defense and Security Education;
Meet second language output standards: IELTS score of 6.5 or higher or TOEFL iBT score of 79 or higher;
Meet Informatics output standards: achieving Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) certification or IC3 (Digital Literacy Certification) certificate - granted by the world's leading Informatics Testing Organization Certiport (USA);
Being granted a certificate of participating in a project with a foreign individual or having worked for an organization with international components, or having participated in an international exchange program, short-term visit, student exchange or transfer to foreign universities.
Students must participate in the bootcamp program with at least 04 workshops on professional skills, career path orientation and earn required certificates.