Xét tuyển theo phương thức tuyển sinh riêng 2023 - 2024 vào VNUK

Admission by Independent Admission Method 2023 – 2024

Admission by Independent Admission Method

For the academic year 2023 – 2024, besides direct admission and priority admission according to the regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training, VN-UK Institute for Research and Executive Education considers admission by separate admissions method with the following criteria:

The degree, major, and target number of accepted admission by separate admissions method

✅ Uni-code: VN-UK Institute for Research and Executive Education: DDV


Degree Major Administration code Target  (expected)
1 International Business and Management 1.1

International Business and Management (IBM)

7340124 179
1.2 International Hospitality and Tourism Management (THM)
1.3 Digital Business Management (DBM)
1.4 Data-driven Marketing (DDM)
1.5 International Business Commerce (IBC)
2 Computer Science and Engineering 2.1 Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) 7480204 24
2.2 Data Science
2.3 Software Engineering
3 Biomedical Science 3.1 Biomedical Science 7420204 14
4 Material Technology 4.1 Nanotechnology 7510402 19


(Considering the academic performance and English proficiency)

Group 1.
Candidates won the First, Second, and Third prizes in the Excellent Student Contests for students in grades 10, 11, 12 or the First, Second, and Third prizes in Science and Engineering Contests at Province and Cities level directly under the Central Government in the years 2021, 2022, 2023.


No Major Major code Subjects in the National Excellent Student Examination/ National Science and Engineering Examination
1 International Business and Management 7340124 Mathematics/ Literature / English (National Excellent Student) or Mathematics / Social and Behavioral Science (National Science and Engineering).
2 Computer Science and Engineering 7480204 Mathematics/Informatics (National Excellent Student) or Embedded system / Intelligent Robots and Computer / System software (National Science and Engineering)
3 Biomedical Science 7420204 Mathematics/ Chemistry / Biology (National Excellent Student) or Microbiology/Biochemistry/Biomedical engineering/Cellular and molecular biology (National Science and Engineering)
4 Nanotechnology 7510409 Mathematics/ Physics / Chemistry (National Excellent Student) or Chemistry/Earth and Environmental Science/Energy: Chemistry/Energy : Physics /Materials science/Physics and Astronomy (National Science and Engineering)

Group 1 will be exempted from essays and interviews with the condition that they have 3 years of high school education from Good or higher.

Group 2.
Candidates participated in the program “Road to Mount Olympia” organized by Vietnam National Television (VTV).

Candidates in group 1 will be exempted from essays and interviews with the condition that they have 3 years of high school result from Good to higher.

Group 3.
Candidates participated in the Final Round of the U-Invent Science and Technology Innovation Contest in 2021, 2022, and 2023 organized by the VN-UK Institute for Research and Executive Education.

Group 3 will be exempted from essays and interviews with the condition that they have 3 years of high school education from Good or higher.

Group 4.
Admission for groups of candidates with international high school diploma using the results of A Level / SAT / ACT / IBD / IGCSE / ATAR exams over a period of 2 years (up until September 1, 2023) and meet the criteria of the entrance quality assurance according to the order of prioritized certificates. Refer to Quality Assurance Threshold for more details.

Group 4 will be exempted from essays and interviews if possessed one of the following results:

  1. A Level >= 65/100%
  2. SAT >= 1100/1600
  3. ACT (American College Testing) >= 24/36
  4. IBD (International Baccalaureate Diploma) >= 25/42
  5. IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education) >= 65/100%
  6. ATAR (Australian Tertiary Admission Rank) >= 65/100%

Group 5.
Candidates are exempted from writing essays and interviews if they meet the following conditions:

Admission test score >= 21 & IELTS >= 5.5 (Or TOEFL iBT >= 46 points; Or TOEIC >= 600)

Combinations (group 5):

5A (IBM):

1. Math + Physics + English (A01)

2. Literature + Math + English (D01)

3. Math + Chemistry + English (D07)

4. Math + Geography + English (D10)

5B (CSE):

1. Math + Physics + Chemistry (A00)

2. Math + Physics + English (A01)

3. Literature + Math + English (D01)

4. Math + Natural Science + English ( D90)

5C (BMS):

1. Math + Physics + Chemistry (A00)

2. Math + Chemistry + English (D07)

3. Math + Chemistry + Biology (B00)

4. Math + Biology + English (B08)

5D (Nanotechnology): 

1. Math + Physics + Chemistry (A00)

2. Math + Physics + English (A01)

3. Math + Chemistry + English (D07)

4. Math + Chemistry + Biology (B00)


Group 6.
Candidates are exempted essays and interviews if they meet the following condition:

Being a Very Good student in 10th grade, 11th grade and the first semester of 12th grade.


Group 7.
– Case 1: Admission test score >= 21 AND English score >= 6.5
– Case 2: Admission test score >= 19 AND IELTS >= 4.5 or equivalent according to the international English certificate conversion reference table for a period of 2 years (until September 1, 2023).

Note: The subject score used for admission consideration is the average of the average score of 5 semesters including: 10th grade, 11th grade and 12th grade (Semester 1); Admission test score is the total score of 3 subjects in the selection combination plus priority points according to current regulations.

Combinations (group7)

7A (IBM):

1. Math + Physics + English (A01)

2. Literature + Math + English (D01)

3. Math + Chemistry + English (D07)

4. Math + Geography + English (D10)

7B (CSE):

1. Math + Physics + Chemistry (A00)

2. Math + Physics + English (A01)

3. Math + English + Informatics (K01)

4. Literature + Math + English (D01)

7C (BMS):

1. Math + Physics + Chemistry (A00)

2. Math + Chemistry + English (D07)

3. Math + Chemistry + Biology (B00)

4. Math + Biology + English (B08)

7D (Nanotechnology): 

1. Math + Physics + Chemistry (A00)

2. Math + Physics + English (A01)

3. Math + Chemistry + English (D07)

4. Math + Chemistry + Biology (B00)


Group 8.
Candidates use the test results of the National High School Exam in 2023, the Admission Test Score is the total score of 3 high school exam’s subjects in the selected combination plus the priority points according to current regulations.

Conditions: Admission test score >=18 and English score >=5.5

Combinations (group 8)

8A (IBM):

1. Math + Physics + English (A01)

2. Literature + Math + English (D01)

3. Math + Chemistry + English (D07)

4. Math + Geography Physics + English (D10)

8B (CSE):

1. Math + Physics + Chemistry (A00)

2. Math + Physics + English (A01)

3. Literature + Math + English (D01)

4. Math + Science Nature + English (D90)

8C (BMS):

1. Math + Physics + Chemistry (A00)

2. Math + Chemistry + English (D07)

3. Math + Chemistry + Biology (B00)

4. Math + Biology + English (B08)

8D (Nanotechnology): 

1. Math + Physics + Chemistry (A00)

2. Math + Physics + English (A01)

3. Math + Chemistry + English (D07)

4. Maths + Chemistry + Biology (B00)


Group 9.
Candidates who have graduated from high school (or equivalent) abroad, or foreign programs in Vietnam, or a mix of studying programs both in Vietnam and abroad with the same average grade of each semester (except the last semester of the final year of high school) from 70% or more, converted on a 10-point scale.

If there is no average score for each school year or the whole course, the average score of 3 subjects that are most relevant to the selected major will be taken for consideration. For science and engineering majors: Mathematics and at least 1 Natural science subject. For economic sectors: Mathematics and a Social Science subject.

Sub-criteria for candidates with equal points:

– If the number of candidates applying exceeds the quota of the specified discipline, VNUK will consider in the order of priority from Group 1 to Group 9.

– Candidates from the same group of 1, 2, and 3 will be prioritized by prizes from high to low;

– Candidates in the same group of 4 will be considered in the order of priority in groups from a to f;

– Candidates in the same group of 6 will be considered in order of priority according to the average score in English or Math;

– Candidates in the same group of English applicants will have their English scores considered from high to low;

– Candidates in the same group who do not consider English scores will be given priority in the order of essay and interview scores.

Admission guidelines
  1. Candidates are allowed to register up to 03 aspirations into the degree/major of VNUK and must arrange their aspirations in order of priority from highest to lowest (1st aspiration is the highest). Candidates only admitted to one of the highest priority aspirations in the list of registered aspirations.
  2. Candidates with International English Certificate within 2 years (up to September 1, 2023) with an IELTS score 6.0 or higher or equivalent according to the reference table to convert the international English certificate will be exempted from the interview and essay writing.
  3. The remaining candidates must write essays and participate in an interview organized by VNUK.
  4. Matriculation results are based on the total score of separate admission – calculated as: the total score of the combination exam + essay and interview score.
  5. English used for admission may be the main foreign language (foreign language 1) or a second foreign language (foreign language 2)
Application document
  • 01 Admission Application Form: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GJPZla-06OAA6EVkMZS-r1iOj5zOy1L9/view
  • 01 copy of high school transcript (5 semesters: 10th grade, 11th grade and 12th grade semester 1);
  • 01 copy of ID card/Citizen identity card;
  • Copy of IELTS certificate or equivalent English certificates (if any);
  • Certificates, participation in extracurricular activities (if any)
Application time

Time and form of receiving application documents for admission according to the VNUK’s separate admission method based on academic results (high school transcript): 30 days after the announcement of 2023 Admission Method. Deadline: 31/12/2023. 

Interview time

The estimated interview time of the 1st round and additional rounds depends on the candidate’s application time, within two weeks after receiving the application.

Receive location

VN-UK Institute for Research and Executive Education, University of Danang

Admissions Department

1st Floor, VNUK Building, 158A Le Loi, Hai Chau District, Danang City

Target: national candidates

Admission fee
  • For candidates who only have to submit a personal essay (exempt from interview): 60,000 VND/document
  • For candidates who submit a personal essay and entrance interview or scholarship interview: 120,000 VND/document.
  • Note: The interview process is required for candidates who wish to be considered for a scholarship at VNUK.
Fees include
  • Processing application documents for admission
  • Organizing a workshop to guide writing personal essays & participating in interviews
  • Evaluating self-introduction essay
  • Interviewing and advising with 02 lecturers of the admission committee about the field of study or interview to select candidates who deserve the scholarship
  • Announcement of admission results


Academic year: 2023 - 2024

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