Foundation Unique Points - VNUK
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Foundation Unique Points

I. Philosophy

Students are at different stages of mental, physical, psychological, and social development, which creates unique personalities in each student.

– We believe that students are our greatest concern, and our responsibility is to promote the development by clearly transferring knowledge as well as guiding the development of character and skills for students so that they can have a chance to be successful as they move into the next stage of life.

– We are committed to continuous improvement individually and collectively.

– We believe in using behavioral research and student feedbacks to guide our continuous improvement.

The teaching methods of the Foundation Programs at VNUK are innovative as they are combined with technology, including combining learning with the right mindset and personal development based on psychology research. We focus on individual growth in each lesson, which engages students in the content of the lesson and provides an enjoyable learning experience. Our entire lecturers is constantly exposed to and encouraged to have a growth and global mindset. Each lecturer is also trained to understand and inspire students in a changing world.

VNUK’s Foundation Programs are modelled from the UK and US where we integrate learning English, soft skills, and specialized majors in the first year at VNUK.


Mutual trust between lecturers and students

– Inspiring learning and being responsible

– Giving meaningful feedbacks to each student

– Demonstrating connectivity and extending the study guide for students to acquire that skill

– Educating students methods of learning

– Building confidence through positive reinforcement

– Supporting students in developing personal learning strategies

– Considering the variety of students’ learning styles and incorporate distribution methods that cover all learning modes

– Teaching different concepts and make sure students grasp them

– Creating a vibrant and highly interactive learning environment

– Creating a collaborative, open and inclusive working environment



A variety of 21st century learning methods are:

  • Based on collaboration and connection
  • Based on projects
  • Based on awareness, critical thinking, and problem – solving
  • Based on practical experience
  • Connected to technology
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