Giới thiệu ngành Công nghệ phần mềm

Software Engineering


Software Engineering is an English – Vietnamese bilingual curriculum in the engineering sector at VNUK. The training program is built based on ABET standards, organizing many modules from the experience of Aston University-United Kingdom.

The university-level training program majoring in Software Engineering is in Computer Science and Engineering aimed at training engineers for the fields related to the Software Engineering sector to provide high-quality human resources, meet the needs of the learner as well as the economic development of society. 

Equip learners with basic knowledge for comprehensive development; have the ability to apply basic engineering principles, high practical skills, and technical skills to assume the work of engineers working in related fields of Computer Science and Engineering and especially in the field of software engineering.

Our goals

  • Students are able to acquire specialized knowledge in Computer Science Engineering and meet the demand for high-quality labor in the domestic and foreign labor markets, as well as continue their studies in higher education.
  • Students are able to acquire technical and soft skills to participate in implementing information, knowledge and software systems projects that meet socioeconomic needs.
  • Students have a sense of responsibility at work and are proactive in communication and a in learning the field of Computer Science Engineering.

Computer Science Engineering

Address: 158A Le Loi, Hai Chau 1 ward, Hai Chau district, Da Nang city
Phone: (0236)3.738.399
Hotline: 0905.55.66.54


Monday – Friday, 8:00AM – 5:00PM 

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Personal development

Besides training students with knowledge and technical skills, the program will provide students with career skills, such as working in an intercultural environment, planning for personal development, time management, customer needs analysis, product design, project management, etc.

The curriculum is student-centered and each student can be seen as a special individual that needs to be nurtured and watched individually.

English skills improvement

Students who have not achieved IELTS 5.5 will participate in international pathway programs (including 2 specialized subjects) along with 3 undergraduate ones in the first year. Students who have already achieved the equivalent of IELTS 5.5 or higher when participating in the program only take 5 specialized subjects in the first year. From the second year onwards, students will study all subjects in English.

High international connectivity

The teaching staff includes foreign lecturers and graduate lecturers from developed countries.

With the international-quality training program entirely in English, many innovative educational methods and curricula referred from developed educational backgrounds, it is easier for students to have exchange opportunities or study further in developed countries.

Students have access to an international working environment through field trips, exchange activities and internships in different countries around the world at preferential costs.

Opportunities to participate in 1+3; 2+2; 3+1 transfer programs as well as cultural exchanges at the world’s leading partner universities in the United Kingdom, Eastern Europe, Australia, Japan, Korea, etc.

Practical application and professional working attitude

Students are facilitated to receive training guidance from experts from companies in the early years, thereby discovering and building an orientation that they are passionate about and want to pursue.

The program of study includes a variety of internships, which build on the long experience of Aston University as well as lecturers who have graduated from developmental education backgrounds. Students will get internships at leading organizations in Vietnam and around the world, so they will gain competitive advantages in terms of practical experience in a professional working environment.

Students are not only focused on training specialized knowledge but also awareness – attitude – behaviour, creative thinking – entrepreneurship, and the necessary transformational skills systems of the modern era.

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