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Data Science

Data Science - The hottest job of the 21st century

Data Science (DS) is probably still somewhat of an unfamiliar term to Vietnamese in the industrial age of 4.0, but it is gradually becoming a trend among businesses to boost their business activities by using the analyzed information brought by this technology. When 4.0 Industry explodes, every country must rely more on Science & Technology, and data. In the digital technology race, the winner is the owner of big data sources. This is also an area that is becoming a center of attraction for learners. Data scientist has emerged as an incredibly sought-after profession. VN-UK Institute for Research and Executive Education (VNUK), the University of Danang is one of the pioneers in implementing training on Data Science in the Central region of Vietnam. 

The undergraduate training program in Data Science at VN-UK Institute for Research and Executive Education (DS – VNUK) of the University of Danang is directly implemented and funded by the Government of Vietnam in order to achieve international educational standards (towards AUN, and ABET standards). The mission of the program is to train excellent students for the domestic and foreign labor markets, pioneer in the quality of university training, and equip engineers graduating from this program with complete career possibilities (implemented in the working environment of the industry through the joint project VNUK-industry, a six-month practical internship, and 25% of the full course with the participation of experts from the industry), ability to pursue higher education (teaching quality, course content, quality monitoring) and lifelong learning ability (incubation through four years of conscious learning of Sceience Engineering students) computers are constantly improving on their own, and this has to come from the teachers themselves).

Computer Science and Engineering

Address: 158A Le Loi, Hai Chau 1 ward, Hai Chau district, Da Nang city

Phone: (0236)3.738.399

Hotline: 0905.55.66.54


Monday – Friday, 8:00AM – 5:00PM 

Social Media

  • Meet the current highest HR needs in Data Science, including Data for Life Science, Data for socio-economics and Data for technology.
  • High international connection through opportunities of participating in exchange and transfer programs with top universities around the world.
  • Develop students’ practical working abilities when they have the opportunity to do internships in their first year, corporate internships, and graduation thesis.
  • Develop students’ transferable skills not only through internships but also through subjects transferred from top UK universities, such as academic skills, communication skills, self-development, etc.
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